How to Prepare for a Functional Medicine Detox
Whoop whoop! I’m so excited you’re here!
You’ve just taken a huge step toward achieving your health goals and living a life full of energy and vitality. Preparing a little ahead of time can make your detox journey go so much smoother, helping you get the most out of it.
I’m here to help you prepare your body, mind, family, and kitchen for this incredible adventure you’re about to embark on. Let’s set you up for success!
Prepare Your Body
If you plan to eliminate coffee during the detox, slowly decrease the amount you consume the week or two before the detox. You can transition to decaf or try using Organfi’s Red Juice to help wean off. (I have found this helps reduce some of the withdrawal symptoms)
Make sure you are pooping every day (twice is best), as this is an important way your body eliminates toxins from the body. Constipation can happen during the fasting days, so here are a few tools to help:
Drink warm lemon water + sea salt first thing in the morning (My favorite is Redmond’s Real Salt - use the code courtney at checkout for 15% off)
Abdominal massage
Make sure to get in gentle movement (daily walks)
Plan to go to bed early during the detox, especially during the fasting days.
Support your lymphatic system:
Sweating is a fantastic way to release toxins through your skin. If you have access to a sauna, incorporate it during the detox.
Dry brushing - watch this tutorial on how to dry brush.
Rebounding (if you don’t have a rebounder, you can jump up and down for about 1 minute)
Focus on rest and calming the nervous system
Gentle Yoga
Epsom salt baths are amazing
Prepare You Mind
Mindset is key to a successful detox journey. Believe that you will complete it, and you WILL! You got this. Remember, I am here to support you the entire time!
Identify your “WHY” for doing the detox. Write it down and revisit it on the days that feel hard. Your WHY will be so powerful on the day you want to give up.
E.g. “I want to have more energy to play with my kids.”
E.g. “I want to improve my digestion so I can feel good in my own body.”
Focus on a mantra, especially on the fasting day.
E.g., “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”
Find activities to challenge your mind and keep you busy:
Read a good book
Watch your favorite show or movie
Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day
Focus on what you do have, not what you don’t have
Prepare Your Kitchen
Ideally, you want to drink spring water during the detox. (My favorite is Mountain Valley Spring Water) If you don’t have access to spring water, you can use a high-quality water filter but do not use tap water.
Make sure to have high-quality EVOO on hand.
Get rid of tempting foods or make sure they are not easily visible.
Use the shopping guide, recipes, and meal plan to go grocery shopping 1-2 days before the detox starts so you don’t have to go to the grocery store on fasting days. (There are so many temptations!)
Prepare meals the day before the detox starts that you can take to work or when you are on the go.
Prepare Your Family
Share your “WHY” with your family. Their support will make the detox process much easier.
Let them know you will be focusing on home-cooked meals, so you won’t be able to eat out. If you eat out, try to stick to the approved food list.
Ask your partner to join you with the detox or have them do the cooking on the fasting days.
Mark your fasting days on the calendar and inform your family that you may experience mood swings as your body adjusts. Request their understanding, and don’t feel guilty for prioritizing your health.
Completing a little extra prep beforehand will make this process more enjoyable.
You can check out my Detox FAQs if you have any questions about the detox.
Remember, YOU CAN DO THIS!